​HBS programs have been translated into more than 25 languages; however, translations in a given language may not be available for all programs. For example, a translation may be available for HBB, but not available for ECEB or ECSB. For all available translations of HBS materials please visit AAP International Resources​, where you can download all HBS learning materials.​ To view Printing Specs click here.
If you do not find what you need, we will do our best to accommodate your request to conduct your own translation, provided you follow the process as outlined. Permission is granted free of charge if materials are to be used for resource-limited countries.
Please visit the AAP International Resources page to access the HBS modules and languages that are available for free download.
If you do not find what you need, we will do our best to accommodate your request if you follow the easy steps of the process outlined. Permission is granted free of charge if materials are to be used for resource-limited countries.
Process for Translation or Adaptation of HBS Materials​
Helping Babies Survive (HBS) materials may be adapted and translated to fit country needs. The HBS curricula may be incorporated into existing ENC, EmONC, IMN​​CI or other training programs that have been approved by the local Ministry of Health. Changes in materials may include adaptations of images for the local setting and minor content modifications to align with local health authority guidelines for newborn care. ​
Please address your requests for modification of learning materials to the American Academy of Pediatrics here. You will need to provide the following information:
- The name of the organization requesting the modification and the individual contact person
- The name of the country where the materials are to be used
- Confirmation that the request is consistent with local Ministry of Health guidelines
- Specific and image or wording change descriptions, with page number and location
Next steps:
- Specifics will be sent to an HBS Planning Group technical expert to assess whether the request changes the scientific integrity of the materials. The AAP makes every effort to ensure that HBS remains evidence-based; therefore, requests that change the scientific validity of the content will not be approved.
- You will be notified within two weeks if the modification has been approved. If the organization is a Survive and Thrive GDA partner, an email communication will suffice as approval to proceed, pending agreement to abide by the AAP copyright notice. If the organization is not a Survive and Thrive GDA partner, the AAP will draft a simple agreement that will need to be signed before proceeding.
- The organization requesting the modification will be responsible for making all approved changes, and those changes must be consistent with the quality of the original learning materials.
- Once the modifications are made to the content, the requesting organization must send the AAP an electronic copy of the final modified version that is to be printed.
Printing Specifics for all documents
Upon review and approval by the AAP, detailed specifications will be provided for each of the print files. All adapted materials must contain a specific and complete copyright and acknowledgement statement (see below). Organizations or agencies requesting modifications and translations will be responsible for executing all approved changes.
Learning mat​​​erials that have been adapted must have all of the following language inserted:
Based on [insert title and edition of the material].
Modified with permission of the AAP, [insert date].​
Copyright Notice
The American Academy of Pediatrics is pleased to make Helping Babies Survive (HBS) materials available for public health purposes. The materials may not be modified or adapted in any manner without permission and may only be used for non-profit educational purposes. They may not be used, reproduced, distributed, displayed or exploited for any party's commercial advantage, profit or monetary gain. The contents of the HBS learning materials are protected by U.S. and international copyright laws. Any publication or distribution of the electronic or paper-based materials for the permitted purposes must include the AAP or the owner's copyright notice and an acknowledgment of the source of the materials.
Users may not falsify or delete any copyright management information such as the title of the material, author attributions, copyright notice, proprietary designations, trademarks, or other identifying information and material contained in a file that is downloaded. For all materials and information used, you must credit original sources as given on specific pages. If no other specific source or authorship information is shown, please credit the AAP. It is the user's responsibility to be aware of current copyright law and applications. The user agrees to indemnify the AAP from any costs or claims for infringement or copyright in relation to copies of images or text from this application.
For additional information about the American Academy of Pediatrics HBS educational materials, please visit hbs.aap.org.
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics