HBS learning materials and recommended simulators can be ordered several different ways.
It is important to note that Laerdal and AAP sell these items at the lowest possible royalty-free cost because they are to be used in resource-limited countries.
Learning materials, including translated versions, can be downloaded free of charge from the AAP International Resources site. Please respect the terms and conditions of use that is read upon login.
Hard copies of HBS learning materials and the recommended simulators can be ordered from the AAP Bookstore. Orders for shipment within the US normally arrive within 2 business days. If you need only a few items or if you are supplying a small course, this option is recommended. You will note the AAP Bookstore prices are higher than those of Laerdal because overseas shipping and Customs fees have been paid by the AAP.
Hard copies of HBS learning materials and simulators can also be ordered from Laerdal Global Health​. Laerdal also sells Spanish, French, and Swahili translations of HBB, while the AAP does not. If you are ordering large quantities to be shipped to resource-limited countries, this is your best option. Since these orders often ship by sea for the most economical cost, please place orders far in advance. The Laerdal customer service team will provide you with the best price and the quickest shipping option.​​
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics