Vaping and tobacco products are dangerous to the health of all children at every stage of development. This includes both direct usage of these products and exposure to their byproducts. The tobacco industry aggressively markets their products toward children, rapidly adapting to changes in regulation and often targeting youth who are Black, Latinx, and LGBTQ+. While pediatric use of combustible cigarettes has decreased in the past several decades, use of electronic nicotine delivery systems like e-cigarettes has exploded. Like combustible cigarettes, these devices expose children and teens to numerous toxicants and carcinogens. Youth who use e-cigarettes are also at high risk of transitioning to traditional cigarettes.

Pediatricians serve as trusted messengers and advocates in conversations regarding regulation of tobacco products. To that end, below you will find a comprehensive toolkit of resources for advocates working on key issues around pediatric tobacco use and exposure. Each section includes a brief overview of the issue area, advocacy resources, advocacy opportunities, and, where applicable, parent-facing resources. We strongly encourage you to promote these to lawmakers, families, and fellow advocates.