The AAP offers professional services to help build and manage your career. PedJobs, the official job board, connects the nation’s top health network employers with pediatricians and pediatric specialists everywhere. PedJobs offers:
Robust job search filters
Customized alerts for positions matching your search
Create a free profile and upload up to 5 documents
Free resume evaluation from our partners at TopResume®
The Women’s Wellbeing Through Equity and Leadership Project (WEL)
The Women's Wellbeing through Equity and Leadership project (WEL) is a collaborative effort to engage a diverse group of early- to mid-career women physicians in networking, mentorship, and training around wellbeing, equity and leadership.
AAP Virtual Career Fairs
The AAP hosts seasonal online Virtual Career Fair events each winter, spring, and fall. Live text-chat with recruiting experts from the nation’s most reputable employment networks to ask them your most pressing questions and what to consider in today's job market.
Registration takes only moments! Sign up with your Facebook, Google, or LinkedIn account then upload your resume to complete registration
The Path to Pediatrics
Get Involved with the AAP
The AAP has a member category designed to fit every stage of your career. From your time as a medical student to becoming a pediatric resident and beyond, there are resources and opportunities only available through AAP Membership!
Managing Your Career
Pathways to Pediatrics
Pathways to Pediatrics is a special series of Pediatrics On Call profiling AAP leaders, celebrated authorities and practicing professionals just like you.