Schedule Strategically:
- Try to schedule your interview promptly to show your enthusiasm.
- Avoid Monday appointments; they are often too hectic in medical offices.
- Morning interviews are preferrable, as people tend to be more fatigued toward the end of the day and you might not get the interviewer’s full attention. 
Dress Professionally:
It’s important to always look professional. Even if:
- You’re interviewing with a small town practice that has a fairly casual atmosphere and you are told that business casual is acceptable.
- It is a virtual interview. Your appearance will be the first impression on the interviewer.
Be Punctual:
Being late is not acceptable at any work place. Hospitals and unfamiliar towns can be confusing places.
- If driving to the interview, check out the address and parking availability prior to the interview.
- If air travel or trains or bus are a part of the itinerary, confirm travel arrangements with the recruiter’s coordinator. 
- Arrive a day before the interview (if flying) or few hours before (if driving) to allow extra time and avoid unexpected travel delays .
Know Your Workplace and Description of the “Position Offered”:
Take the time to research the practice/hospital/clinic before the interview. This will help you to facilitate discussions during your interview and give you a leg up in understanding what the employers' requirements are and how it functions.
- Summarize your CV framing the information to match (without embellishing) the vacant position.
- Before you go into an interview, write down a list of everything you need to know in order to make a decision about a job. Keep this in mind as you learn more throughout the interview process.
Be Ready to Discuss Your Professional Goals and Personal Interests:   
A line by line review of your CV’s contents makes for a tedious interview. It is perfectly acceptable to summarize and highlight a specific accomplishment or an opportunity to work with some extraordinary people. Keep it brief and be confident. ​​
Be Ready to Talk about Yourself:
In many cases, the people interviewing you are potential co-workers and may want to know what kind of person you are, what you care about, what your interests are and what it will be like to work with you.
- Be prepared to talk about your strengths and have a couple of brief stories that demonstrate those strengths
- Talk about things you care about (e.g. your daughter’s soccer team, your work in a community clinic, or your passion for art museums)
- Be prepared to talk about your weaknesses as well. Be judicious. Share what you have learned that has made you a better doctor.
- Silence your phone during your interview and leave it in your pocket or bag. Avoid checking it during the interview as this may indicate that you are not engaged.
- When you are greeted at the beginning of the interview, show respect by rising from your chair (if you are seated) and making eye contact as you say hello.
Be Ready to Talk about Professional Gaps/Job History/Residency Switches:
This is particularly important as some interviewers may see these as “red flags.” Be ready to answer any questions that may arise regarding any of these issues (e.g. particularly any gaps in training or job history). Frame your answers carefully and honestly. Gaps can have perfectly legitimate explanations and often demonstrate unique experiences.
Prepare a List of Questions:
One of the best ways to appear enthusiastic about the job opening is to ask questions. Many recruitment specialists say asking questions (rather than the answers you give) are the key to a good interview.
Know the Community and Quality of Life Outside the Position:
If you’re new to the area, don’t forget to ask about the surrounding community and its aspects that could contribute to quality of life.
Act Like This Is the Only Interview That Matters: 
Project enthusiasm and genuine interest in the position. Few things will turn interviewers off more than a feeling that you are not at all interested in this job and that you are wasting their time. Employers want to hire people who want the job. Never go into an interview confident that you already have the job; that attitude almost always results in a non-offer. 
Speak Positively about Your Experiences and Don’t Disparage Former Employers:
It doesn’t matter how bad they were to you, do not, under any circumstances, speak ill of former employers or managers in an interview. It will make you, not them, look bad. 
Don’t Avoid the Subject of Money, But Don’t Dwell on it Either:
Reserve this discussion for the end of your session. Early in the interview is not the time for hard-core negotiation, but here are some questions which give you an indication of whether the compensation for the job falls within your acceptable range or not. 
- What is the salary range? 
- If I have a guaranteed salary for the first “x” number of years and what is my future earning potential once I go off the guarantee? 
​You can delve deeper into the money topic in subsequent meetings with questions such as: 
- What are the benefits and perks? 
- What will my responsibilities be beyond patient care? 
- How will my performance be measured and rewarded?​
Group Culture:
If it feels as though the interview is going well, you may want to explore the ethos of the practice. Here are some questions to consider using: 
- How long has this group existed? 
- Please tell me a little about its history. 
- Is there a group mission statement?
- How would you describe the culture of this group? If there were one thing you could change about the group's culture, what would that be? 
- What is the process you use to bring a new physician on board? What training, mentoring, and coaching would I receive, from whom, and for how long?
- Who are the physicians in the group that are currently in this onboarding process? 
- How much does the group believe that having a balanced life outside of your medical practice is important? 
Send  a Thank-You Note After the Interview:
- Send a personalized thank you (don’t copy paste). It shows you care enough about the position and the interviewer(s).
- Take the time to get the correct titles and spellings of the names of people you met. Attention to details will be noticed.
- Let it be known you are available to provide any additional information required or to answer any questions that may not have come up during your visit. 
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics