The Committee on Child Health Financing (COCHF) monitors and makes policy recommendations to the AAP Board of Directors on various aspects and sources for private and public financing of children’s health care services, including managed care, emerging health insurance product options and scope of benefits. COCHF collaborates with other committees, councils and sections to inform chapters of federal and state financing activities to assist chapters in their efforts to influence the monies involved in state determination of Medicaid, Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), and Maternal and Child Health (MCH) and other government health care financing programs.
Our mission is to develop and disseminate innovative and timely policy statements, reports and other commentaries and resources to ensure current and emerging child health financing mechanisms are designed to provide unqualified access to high quality health care for all infants, children, adolescents and young adults.​
Our vision is that every child health financing mechanism ensures that all infants, children, adolescents and young adults will have access to comprehensive quality health insurance and all primary care pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists and pediatric surgical specialists will receive adequate payment for delivering those necessary services.​
Committee Members
James M. Perrin, MD, FAAP
Boston, MA
Lisa Chamberlain, MD, MPH, FAAP
Stanford, CA
Alison Amidei Galbraith, MD, FAAP
Boston, MA
Jennifer Kusma, MD, FAAP
Chicago, IL
William Bernard Moskowitz MD, FAAP
Jackson, MS
Jean L. Raphael, MD, FAAP
Houston, TX
Renee M Turchi MD, MPH, FAAP
Abington, PA
Mike Chen, MD, FAAP
Birmingham, AL