COCP Mission
To promote health justice and address the non-medical drivers of health by supporting community pediatricians in innovative and evidence-based clinical care, advocacy, education, and scholarship in collaboration with youth, families, and communities.
COCP Vision
The vision of the AAP COCP is that children, youth, families, and communities will flourish when surrounded by positive social, cultural and environmental influences which support child and family health and well-being in all spaces.
Benefits of Membership
The work of the Council on Community Pediatrics (COCP) is not possible without a broad and diverse membership. COCP members support the AAP’s home for community pediatricians and play an important role in advancing AAP efforts to improve the health of all children in the community, particularly the most vulnerable. Join us and get involved!
COCP members can participate in the following efforts:
COCP Special Interest Groups (SIG) and Workgroups: The COCP hosts several groups to support members with networking and activity in the following areas of interest. The SIGs and workgroups maintain an active list-servs for member communication, to help develop AAP policy, educational session, and advocacy projects.
- Prevention & Public Health SIG
- Rural Health SIG
- Nature and Child Health SIG
- FQHC Workgroup
Educational Activities: COCP members are able to provide content expertise and participate in the development of education and practice tools and AAP policy. COCP members also receive early access to COCP education resources such as toolkits and webinars.
Leadership Opportunities: COCP members are eligible to serve on the COCP Executive Committee, and as leaders of COCP Special Interest Groups. Members are also eligible to participate as a COCP media spokesperson, grant/abstract reviewer, and other requests for community pediatrics leaders.
Advocacy Opportunities: The COCP participates in AAP advocacy activities on a variety of issues. Members can get involved in the development of advocacy communications, and help develop resolutions for the annual AAP Leadership Forum.
Community Pediatrics News: COCP members receive a monthly email publication with community pediatrics funding announcements, research news, clinical information, and policy updates.
Contact us with questions, ideas, or feedback here​.
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics