The Council on Genetics is the Academy home for AAP Fellows who are interested in pediatric genetics. ​​
The mission of the Council is to support the integration of genetic and genomic medicine in pediatric health care. To accomplish this mission, the council works to expand the genetic literacy of the pediatric team and supports the professional needs of geneticists.
Key Responsibilities and Activities​
- Serve as a resource to the AAP and its component groups with regard to genetic and genomic related issues.
- Raise the genetic literacy of pediatricians and increase recognition of genetics as a core, integral component of pediatric primary care in the medical home.
- Assist pediatricians in understanding, managing, and serving as “first responders” for newborn screening.
- Translate genetic advancements into clinically-relevant guidance for pediatricians.
- Ensure adequate payment for genetic services, as well as adequate payment for case management of children with special health care needs.
- Advocate for and support issues related to the practice of genetics and related pediatric subspecialties.
- Encourage and mentor medical students and residents to pursue a career in genetics.
- Provide a membership home and networking opportunities for subspecialists and pediatricians interested in genetics and genomics.
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics