Section Membership is open to the following Member types:
- Candidate Members
- Corresponding Fellows
- Fellows
- Fellowship Trainees
- Honorary Fellows
- International Members
- Medical Students
- National Affiliates, Residents
- Senior Members
- Specialty Fellows
Medical Students - $0*
Residents/Fellowship Trainees - $10*
International Members - $30*
Senior Members - $25*
All other accepted National member types - $60*
Section Affiliates - $60
* In addition to national dues
Special Requirements: National AAP members and Section Affiliates who are interested in contributing toward the objectives of the section.
Specialty Fellows are board certified in Emergency Medicine and have passed the Pediatric Emergency Medicine sub-boards.
Applicants must submit:
- A photocopy of board certifications
Section Affiliate membership
Physicians, registered nurses, child life specialists, paramedics, and emergency medical technicians who are not eligible for membership in the Academy, devote 50% of their time in some aspects of emergency care of infants, children, adolescents and young adults and practice in the United States of America or Canada.
Physicians who practice in another country will be eligible for international affiliate membership and will be considered on an individual basis by the Section Executive Committee.
Affiliate applicants must submit:
- Copy of license or other documentation
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics