​​​​​Section Membership is open to the following Member types:
- Associate Members
- Candidate Members
- Corresponding Fellows
- Fellows
- Fellowship Trainees
- Honorary Fellows
- International Members
- Medical Students
- National Affiliates
- Residents
- Senior Members
- Specialty Fellows
Medical Students - $0*
Residents and Fellowship Trainees - $10*
All other National member types - $30*
Section Affiliates - $60
* In addition to national dues
Special Requirements: Must be interested in contributing toward the objectives of the section.
Section Affiliate membership
Affiliate members in the Section on Minority Health, Equity and Inclusion shall consist of:
- Licensed physicians (eg: family physicians or nurses) not eligible for membership in the Academy who have an interest in achieving health equity for all children and
- Public health professionals actively engaged in efforts to achieve child health equity
Affiliate applicants must submit:
- A copy of a current license as relevant to the individual’s field (if applicable)
- A current curriculum vitae or resumé and
- Letter of support from an AAP member in good standing
For more information about this section, click here.
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics