The DOC IS IN Scholarly Work

The DOC IS In not only seeks to provide an interactive web-based interface for exploring workforce data, but is also taking a deeper dive into data analysis with publications of its findings and presentations on topics of interest.

Selected scholarly works:

Horowitz, E., Feldman, H., and Savich, R.  Neonatologist Salary: Factors, Equity, and Gender.  Journal of Perinatology.  39: 359-365 (2019)​.​

Horowitz, E., Randis, T., Samnaliev, M., and Savich, R. Equity for Women in Medicine – Neonatologists Identify Issues. Journal of Perinatology published online on December 10, 2020​.​​

Horowitz, E., Samnaliev, M., and Savich, R. Seeking Racial and Ethnic Equity Among Neonatologists.  Accepted by Journal of Perinatology published online January 8, 2021

AAP TECaN and ONTPD Virtual Job Search Series - July 13th, 2020: Protected Time and Salary for Early Career Neonatologists â€‹


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