The TECaN Leadership Committee is focused on sharing opportunities and resources for leadership training to TECaN members. As fellows and junior faculty members traditional medical education often doesn’t sufficiently prepare us for leadership positions. The Leadership Committee hopes you’ll find the below resources and opportunities helpful. If you know of other resources to share please send them to us at [email protected] with the subject line “Leadership”.
Leadership Articles
Leadership Concept: System of Profound Knowledge
Jessica Davidson MD, FAAP
"It is an effective theory of management that provides a framework of thought and action for any leader wishing to transform and create a thriving organization, with the aim for everybody to win." Edward Deming ​
Read more about Leadership Concept: System of Profound Knowl​edge​
Leadership Opportunities
Consider participating in one of these nationwide leadership programs:
Leadership Education and Development (LEAD) Certificate program through AAMC is ideal for early career physicians aspiring to obtain leadership roles in health professions education.
See their website for more information.
Young Physicians Leadership Alliance Program
The Section on Early Career Physicians (SOECP) is pleased to announce the Young Physicians' Leadership Alliance (YPLA), a new 3-year training program designed to develop leaders and build a leadership community amongst early career pediatricians and pediatric subspecialists. This is an interactive forum of young physician leaders with demonstrated leadership potential through their current involvement in the AAP. The program includes the sharing of leadership principles, behaviors, and tools that can benefit early career physicians in achieving their personal and professional objectives.
Call for applications
Leadership Corner
Inspiring Interviews with Leaders in Our Field
As young physicians we can benefit greatly from the guidance from those more experienced in our field. In order to share the wisdom, we have learned from inspiring leaders, please check out our featured interviews:​
Why Physician Leadership is Important to the Future
Lyndsey Garbi, MD, FAAP; Michael Prendergast, MD, FAAP; Shawn Sen, MD, FAAP; Emily Fishman, MD, FAAP & Kenneth M. Slaw, PhD (PI)
A recent presentation that discusses the following goals:
- Provide some insight into how neonatologists perceive leadership, leadership skill building, and potential learning gaps
- Understand how leadership plays a role in the day to day lives of neonatologists
- Look for potential demographic differences across gender, length of career, and work setting
- Identify critical topics in leadership for early career neonatologists
- Test an A Priori Assumption that Leadership is learned best through observation, experience, and practice
Leadership Concepts​
The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® Model Jim Kouzes & Barry Posner
Leadership is not about personality; it's about behavior—an observable set of skills and abilities. And when we first set out to discover what great leaders actually do when they are at their personal best, we collected thousands of stories from ordinary people—the experiences they recalled when asked to think of a peak leadership experience. Despite differences in culture, gender, age, and other variables, these "Personal Best" stories revealed similar patterns of behavior. In fact, we discovered that when leaders are at their personal best there are five core practices common to all: they Model the Way, inspire a Shared Vision, Challenge the Process, Enable Others to Act, and last but certainly not least, they Encourage the Heart.
Leadership Resources
Looking for leadership opportunities? Or ways to get involved within your institution or the AAP? Check out this detailed listing, complete with position descriptions, resources and upcoming leadership-based events.
Leadership Opportunity Details