You will find here a cumulative list of adolescent sexual health materials the pediatrician or pediatric health care provider can distribute to patients or share on social media.  These resources and more can be found on, the official American Academy of Pediatrics website for parents, is the only parenting website backed by 67,000 pediatricians and includes over 5,000 articles on children's health and safety topics—including an entire section on teen dating and sex. is available in English and Spanish with an easy toggle between both languages. Whether they're seeking general information about children's health, or specific answers to a pediatric issue, parents can be confident in the information they find on
New Video Series
To provide adolescents with straightforward, medically accurate information about their bodies and their health, the AAP developed the Body of Knowledge video series, which focuses on the topics teens ask or look for online most frequently. These videos pair AAP pediatricians with YouTube Creator Hailey Sani and girls’ rights advocates to give accurate health information to millions of girls around the world and seeks to help answer their health questions by cutting through the noise of unreliable influencers and anti-science, non-evidenced based content found online.
The videos were produced in partnership with YouTube, the Young Women’s Freedom Center, and Vital Voices Global Partnership and released in conjunction with the International Day of the Girl, a day recognized by the United Nations to promote girls’ empowerment and the fulfilment of their human rights. Together, the videos aim to empower and educate teens about their bodies, overall health and well-being.
Confidentiality Articles
- Information for teens: What you need to know about privacy 
- Pediatric patients and chaperones in the exam room
Contraception Articles
- Contraception Explained: Options for Teens & Adolescents
- When Should Teens Use Emergency Contraception?
A Website for youth providing information and guidance on contraceptive methods. 
Know Your Condom Dos & DON'Ts 
This fact sheet from the CDC shares information on if an adolescent decides to have sex, the options they have to do so safely.
General Health Information Articles
Adolescent Health Working Group- Youth Resources
This website includes youth resources that can serve as handouts with pages of information and tips.
Advocates for Youth
This website provides information for youth to help them advocate for their reproductive and sexual health care. 
AMAZE takes the awkward out of sex ed. Real info in fun, animated videos that you all the answers young people actually want to know about sex, your body and relationships.
Deciding to Wait 
AAP’s Pediatric Patient Education Handout for adolescents on deciding to wait to have sex.
(subscription required for access)
Making Healthy Decisions About Sex: Important Information For Teens 
AAP’s Pediatric Patient Education Handout for adolescents on making healthy decisions about sex. (subscription required for access)
Why Waiting to Have Sex Makes Sense’s information for adolescents on why waiting to have sex makes sense. This site includes a variety of helpful statistics.
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Signs/symptoms, prevention, and treatment provides information for parents, patients, and families on STIs, both in general and on specific STIs. 
CDC Sexually Transmitted Diseases- Adolescents and Young Adults 
The resources on this page provide information about the impact of STIs on youth as well as resources for reaching adolescents.
Find a testing site.
This website includes an overview of STI testing recommendations in addition to a tool to find the closest STI testing site.
GYT: Get Yourself Tested Campaign Materials 
GYT is a campaign encouraging young people to get tested and treated for STIs and HIV to protect their health and that of their partners. The campaign offers streamlined materials to help focus efforts on STI awareness, prevention, testing and treatment among young people.
Information for Teens and Young Adults: Staying Healthy and Preventing STDs 
A fact sheet for adolescents from the CDC on if a young person chooses to have sex how they can protect themselves against STIs.
Order CDC The Facts- Plain Language STD Brochures 
Brochures created by the CDC for young people focusing on various STIs and teen pregnancy.
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics