Confidentiality Protections for Adolescents and Young Adults in the Health Care Billing and Insurance Claims Process:
This joint AAP/ACOG/SAHM statement advocates for the protection of confidential care to adolescents and young adults via policies and procedures around billing and insurance. 
Ways to Improve Care for Adolescents and Young Adults
- Infographic: Working Together to Improve Teen Health (Full Version)
- Infographic: The Importance of Confidential Preventive Services
- Infographic: The Benefits of Confidential Health Care
- Office Poster: Speak Your Mind, It’s Healthy
- Office Poster: Confidential care is Good for Their Health
U.S. Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use
This criteria from the CDC contains recommendations for the use of contraceptive methods by both men and women who have certain characteristics or medical conditions. 
U.S. Selected Practice Recommendations for Contraception Use
These recommendations from the CDC address a select group of common, and sometimes controversial, issues regarding initiation and use of contraceptive methods.
Delivery of Care
Bright Futures Guidelines for Preventive Services
Provides information and guidance on how to do a HEADSS assessment and a sexual history.
Guide to Taking a Sexual History
The CDC offers a booklet that outlines how to take a sexual history and the questions that should be asked. 
No Wrong Doors, No Missed Opportunities Materials
Cicatelli Aassociates Inc (CAI)​ is working to increase access to and utilization of evidence-based and "teen-friendly" contraceptive and reproductive health care services. As part of this initiative, CAI has developed a variety of materials to support the pediatrician.  
Promoting “Teen Friendly” Clinical Services: Healthy Care Delivery System, Contraceptive and Reproductive Health Best Practices
This fact sheet from CAI lists best clinical practices when serving adolescent patients.
Promoting Healthy Development of Sexuality and Gender Identity
General Care for Adolescents
ACOG: Provides information, fact sheets, and answers to frequently asked questions about contraception, reproductive, and sexual health topics from a gynecologic perspective. 
Adolescent Health Working Group:
This group out of San Francisco created a series of resources intended for health care providers to use in their practices to notify patients and parents about services and confidential discussions that may be included as part of the adolescent well visit. 
Data on Sexual Risk Behaviors
Provides a variety of statistics related to teen and adolescent sexual health that can help pediatricians 'make the case' for the importance of sexual health services not only in practice, but also in area-wide schools.
Investing in Adolescent and Young Adult Health: Pediatricians, Parents, and Youth Working Together to Improve Lifelong Health
This report from the American Academy of Pediatrics details the work of the Adolescent Health Consortium project.
Keep it Simple: Linking Teens to Sexual Health Care (Facilitator’s Guide)
This guide from CAI and The Healthy Teen Network offers a full lesson plan, video, and motion graphic
Meeting the Sexual and Reproductive Health Needs of Adolescents in School-Based Health Centers
A policy from the Guttmacher Institute.
National Adolescent and Young Adult Health Information Center
They have developed a Compendium of State and Local Strategies to improve access to health insurance and the quality of preventative visits among adolescents and young adults.
Physicians for Reproductive Health ARSHEP Presentations & Videos
A comprehensive, evidence-based curriculum designed and updated in collaboration with faculty extensively trained adolescent medicine physicians with a shared goal of educating youth-serving professionals in best practices for adolescent reproductive and sexual health. The curriculum modules and standardized case videos are free to use, edit and share. 
A Public Health Approach for Advancing Sexual Health in the US
This report was developed to summarize a meeting that was convened by the CDC of sexual health experts to gather ideas and strategies for advancing sexual health issues at the national level. 
Reproductive Health
The CDC has a variety of materials and resources for providers and families on reproductive health issues. 
Sexual and Reproductive Health Care: A Position Statement from the Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine: This statement provides guidance on the reproductive and sexual health services that should be provided for adolescent and young adult patients. 
Pregnancy Prevention
Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)'s Women's Preventive Service Guidelines
This is a valuable resource focused on preventive services.
Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs)
Detailed fact sheets from the CDC are intended for physicians and individuals with specific questions about STIs. Detailed fact sheets include specific testing and treatment recommendations as well as citations so the reader can research the topic more in depth. 
- CDC Fact Sheet on Chlamydia
- CDC Fact Sheet on Gonorrhea
- CDC Fact Sheet on HIV and STDs
- CDC Fact Sheet on Genital HPV Infection
- CDC Fact Sheet on Syphilis
Chlamydia and gonorrhea screening recommendations 
The US Preventive Services Task Force found inadequate evidence that screening for chlamydia and gonorrhea reduces complications of infection and transmission or acquisition of either disease or HIV in men. 
Clinical Prevention Guidance (from 2015 CDC STD Treatment Guidelines) and HPV Vaccine Recommendations  
STIs in Adolescents
Information from the AAP Red Book, the authority on pediatric infectious diseases, focused on epidemiology, evaluation, management, prevention, and treatment of STIs in adolescents .
Why Screen for Chlamydia  
A How-To Implementation Guide for Healthcare Providers (3rd Edition) outlines effective strategies and tips for increasing rates of chlamydia screening and retesting in clinical settings. The guide covers sexual history-taking, testing and treatment, partner notification and management, and providing confidential services to adolescents. 
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics