If you or your organization is thinking about hosting a milk drive – the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Donor Milk Drive Toolkit can help you get started. The AAP developed this milk drive toolkit to guide you through the milk drive planning and organizing process. Download a printable version of this kit.
Professional women who are breastfeeding or expressing milk for their babies may struggle to attend conferences or meetings without the baby. Facilities to pump, store, and freeze breastmilk are not always readily available. Mothers may struggle to transport a large amount of milk back home and for lack of better options may discard milk. Mothers may be more willing to attend conferences if they are aware of the organization's support for her to breastfeed, pump and store her breastmilk. A donor milk drive will:
-  Assure mothers that their efforts of pumping milk and breastfeeding are honored, 
- Provide a substitute to discarding precious milk, 
- Drive information about milk donation, and 
- Boost donations to human milk banks 
Past Milk Drives
In 2019, the AAP Section on Breastfeeding partnered with the Mothers' Milk Bank of Louisiana at Ochsner Baptist to organize a milk drive at the National Conference in New Orleans, LA. The 2019 national conference provided breastfeeding attendees with an opportunity to donate excess milk to Mothers' Milk Bank of Louisiana at Ochsner Baptist (MMBL). Please check back in the future to see if milk drives will be held at future AAP National Conferences.
The 2019 event aimed to raise awareness about the need for human milk donations and the importance of human milk banks for premature and medically fragile infants.
All potential donors were required to complete screening steps.
Becoming a milk donor starts with a real-time interview - either face-to-face, telephone, or VoIP service via internet (e.g. skype) in compliance with guidelines issued by our accrediting agency, Human Milk Banking Association of North America (HMBANWhen thethe candidate 'passed' the initial screening, the milk bank sent an email with an information packet including donation consent, written interview and medical releases. Once all paperwork was received, MMBL set up lab work using Lab Corp with locations across the US. MMBL then sent the lab requisition slip to the donor via email.
The 2019 National Conference & Exhibition Milk Drive was supported by the Mothers' Milk Bank of Louisiana at Ochsner Baptist.
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics