Review the following educational offerings for more information on child abuse and neglect.
Online Courses
AAP National Conference and Exhibition (NCE) – The NCE is the national conference of the AAP. Each year, there are a variety of CME-bearing educational presentations on the latest and most relevant topics related to child abuse and neglect and its prevention. Registration is required.
AAP Online Course Offerings
Visit ShopAAP to view all educational material and online course offerings relevant to Child Abuse and Neglect.
Child Abuse Medical Provider Program (CHAMP) Child Abuse Courses – Free courses include Child Abuse Reporting: The Basics, Adolescent Sexual Assault: Consent Issues, Fractures and Child Abuse, and Evaluating Child Sexual Abuse. Optional CME and MOC credit have a fee of $35 each. Registration is required.
​Quality Improvement Opportunities​
​There are two ABP approved quality improvement opportunities related to identification of child abuse available:​
- Quality Improvement Project for Child Sexual Abuse. Qualifies for MOC Part 4 credit for Performance in Practice. Cost is $250 to complete the module.
- Quality Improvement Project for Child Physical Abuse. This quality improvement project is approved by the ABP and qualifies for MOC Part 4 credit for Performance in Practice (25 MOC Credits Earned). The cost is $250.​​
Interested members should visit the MyQIportal for more information and to register.
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics