Early identification of developmental disorders, including fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASDs), is critical to the well-being of children and their families. Educational resources from the AAP and other partnering organizations are here to support pediatricians working with families affected by FASDs.
AAP Resources
Pedialink Course: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders: Recognition and Management
The AAP PediaLink course, Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders [FASD]: Recognition and Management, emphasizes the importance of the primary care provider in screening for prenatal alcohol exposure (PAE), recognizing and identifying FASDs, managing integrated care across the life span, integrating care in the medical home, and using family and recovery friendly approaches.
This is a free educational course offered by the American Academy of Pediatrics with support of a cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The course authors are Vincent C Smith, MD, MPH, FAAP and Yasmin Senturias, MD, FAAP with additional contributions from Susan Buttross, MD, FAAP.
This activity has been approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credit™ and MOC Part 2 credit by the American Board of Pediatrics. Please see the course description for more details.
- First, you must Register for this free course via ShopAAP. The login process has been simplified, and you will use your primary email associated with your AAP account to login. Your primary email is where you receive AAP emails. You must know this email to login; however, your password is the same. If you do not have a ShopAAP account, you can create one as prompted at registration. Please note that an AAP membership is not required to create this account and access the course. Having an account allows you to claim CME easier, or save the course information and access it at your own convenience
- Second, you will access the course through Pedialink.org using the same AAP login credentials. Find the activity under “Continuing Education”, or “My Online Courses” and click the launch button. You can also use the “CME Finder” and type opioids in the search bar.
Additional Learning Opportunities
CDC/NCBDDD Online Courses:
- Diagnostic Overview of FASDs: Recognition and Referral “The goal of the Diagnostic Overview of FASDs: Recognition and Referral online training is to provide a broad foundation of knowledge about screening and assessing individuals for fetal alcohol spectrum disorders or FASDs.”
- Implementing Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention in Clinical Practice “The goal of the Implementing Alcohol Screening and Brief Intervention in Clinical Practice online training is for participants to be able to describe how to adapt alcohol screening and brief intervention (also known as alcohol SBI) to the unique operational realities of their clinical practice.”
- Interprofessional Collaborative Practice as a Model for Preventing Alcohol-Exposed Pregnancies “The goal of this activity is for participants to gain practical insights and tips on how to design and implement interprofessional collaborative practice teams for the prevention of alcohol-exposed pregnancies.”
To register for these courses and for additional information, please visit: www.cdc.gov/fasdtraining. To view the CDC courses, select “Collaborative for Alcohol-Free Pregnancy Courses” as a category in the “Filter by Topics” drop-down menu.
Join Our Special Interest Group on FASD!
We are excited to announce that our special interest group, formed through the Listserv FASDAAP@listserv, continues to grow thanks to ongoing recruitment efforts from FASD webinars, PediaLink courses, and other FASD programming.
We regularly share relevant FASD resources and events with our members. If you are passionate about FASD and want to stay informed about the latest seminars and resources, we invite you to join our listserv.
For more information or to join the listserv, please email the FASD Program Manager, Rosa Arvizu, at [email protected] and include “ADD FASDAAP” in the subject.
National Partner Resources
The American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) has compiled a one-page summary of training and resources related to alcohol and other substance use during pregnancy that inlcudes free online courses, resources for clinicians, and resources for patients and families. Download this free resource here.
Learn more about National Partnerships to Address Prenatal Alcohol and Other Substance Use and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics