Here are some tips for sharing the Infection Prevention and Control Toolkit social media graphics and videos. Learn how to maintain a social media presence, create a social media calendar and see sample messaging for posts so you can educate other healthcare professionals about important infection prevention and control measures.
Social Media Tips
- Who is the target audience or audiences for these materials? Pediatricians? Pediatric Staff? Rural? Urban? Different materials may benefit different settings and audiences. For instance, a pediatrician could benefit from a mini-lesson, a worksheet, and social media posts for staff training.
- How will this information be accessed? Is this a flyer that someone will pick up from an event or a digital email they’ll receive?
- How much is the audience likely to know about IPC topics? Is there one particular area you see the most knowledge gap in?
- Include community partners or people with lived experiences in applying IPC practices in the development and review process to ensure that content is relevant and accessible.
- Provide clear information. Avoid clinical jargon and acronyms unless clearly defined.
- Ensure representation of people in your materials reflect your population and services.
- Maintain consistent tone of voice, design and formatting.
- Break up texts into different sections using headings and subheadings to help readers scan the content quickly.
- Consider your target population and provide relevant translated materials.
Understand your target audience.
Who are your target audiences and which platforms are best positioned to reach those audiences? What role do you want social media to play in your overall outreach strategy? What capacity does your team have to maintain an active presence on social media? Use research to guide your best strategy.
Frequent posting (2-3 times per week) is key to creating a social media presence.
Create a calendar of upcoming events, holidays, seasons and topics. Considering relevant time periods (such as vaccination or flu season). Gather relevant posts for upcoming events. Use a scheduling platform to assist in the planning and execution of your content. Re-use content across platforms in different ways.
Follow and engage with other relevant accounts.
Connect with other AAP Chapters as well as local and national organizations.
Include a “call to action” and links to resources.
Summarize your recommendation for each post in one action-based step: “Learn more.” “Assess training material today.” Link to a site that contains detailed evidence-based information.
Week 1
Day 1: "Cleaning and Disinfection Keep Germs from Spreading" graphic
Day 2: "How Do I Remove Germs from Surfaces?" video
Week 2
Day 1: "Open Communication is Critical for Safety" graphic
Day 2: "How Can I Create a Safer Workplace?" video
Week 3
Day 1: "You Play an Important Role in Preventing the Spread of Diseases" graphic
Day 2: "How Do I Prevent the Spread of Diseases?" video
Week 4
Day 1: "Control the Spread of Infections" graphic
Day 2: "How Can I Keep Others Safe?" video
Week 5
Day 1: "A Safer Environment is a Daily Commitment" graphic
Day 2: "What Can I Do Today?" video
Week 6
Day 1: "Use the Cycle of Change to Improve Safety Outcomes" graphic
Day 2: "How Can I Improve my Workplace?" video
Week 7
Day 1: "Air Filtration is Key for a Safe Work Environment" graphic
Day 2: "Does Filtering Air Prevent Diseases?" video
Week 8
Day 1: "Levels of Infection Control Measures" graphic
Day 2: "What are the Levels of Infection Control?" video
Week 9
Day 1: "How Can You Protect Yourself When Caring for a Patient Who May Have a Contagious Disease?" graphic
Day 2: "How Do I Protect Against Diseases?" video
1. Pair the "Cleaning and Disinfection Keep Germs from Spreading" social media graphic with the "How Do I Remove Germs from Surfaces?" video.
Create safer healthcare environments for everyone! 🧼 🦠 See our Checklist for more tips. #ProjectFirstline #InfectionControlSpanish
¡Cree entornos sanitarios más seguros para todos! 🧼 🦠 Consulte nuestra Lista de verificación para obtener más consejos. #ProjectFirstline #InfectionControl2. Pair the "Open Communication is Critical for Safety" social media graphic with the "How Can I Create a Safer Workplace?" video.
🏥 Asking questions about the right infection control actions keeps patients safe! 🤔💬 For more training, access the IPC Pedialink course. #ProjectFirstline #InfectionControlSpanish
¡Hacer preguntas sobre las acciones correctas de control de infecciones mantiene seguros a los pacientes! 🤔💬 Para obtener más formación, acceda al Curso Pedialink. #ProjectFirstline3. Pair the "You Play an Important Role in Preventing the Spread of Diseases" social media graphic with the "How Do I Prevent the Spread of Diseases?" video.
Ensure your clinic is the safest it can be. 📋✅ Your actions make a difference! 💪🏥. Access free training resources today. #ProjectFirstline #InfectionControlSpanish
Asegúrese de que su clínica sea lo más segura posible. 📋✅ ¡Sus acciones marcan la diferencia! 💪🏥. Acceda hoy mismo a recursos gratuitos. #ProjectFirstline #InfectionControl4. Pair the "Control the Spread of Infections" social media graphic with the "How Can I Keep Others Safe?" video.
Actions work together for effective infection control! 🧼✋🦠 Access free training resources today. More on the hierarchy of control here. #ProjectFirstline #InfectionControlSpanish
¡Las acciones trabajan juntas para un control eficaz de las infecciones! 🧼✋🦠 Acceda hoy mismo a recursos de formación gratuitos. Más información sobre la jerarquía de control aquí. #ProjectFirstline5. Pair the "A Safer Environment is a Daily Commitment" social media graphic with the "What Can I Do Today?" video.
Help lead the fight against infections with free evidence-based tools. Click here for resources. 🏥 #ProjectFirstline #InfectionControlSpanish
Ayude a liderar la lucha contra las infecciones con herramientas gratuitas basadas en pruebas. Click aquí para ver los recursos. 🏥 #ProjectFirstline #InfectionControl6. Pair the "Use the Cycle of Change to Improve Safety Outcomes" social media graphic with the "How Can I Improve my Workplace?" video.
Create meaningful change to make your facility safer for patients and their families. 🧒👶 💙🏥 #ProjectFirstline #InfectionControlSpanish
Cree un cambio significativo para que su clínica sea más segura para los pacientes y sus familias. 🧒👶💙🏥 #ProjectFirstline #InfectionControl7. Pair the "Air Filtration is Key for a Safe Work Environment" social media graphic with the "Does Filtering Air Prevent Diseases?" video.
Maintaining proper clinic ventilation can help stop the spread of germs and keep families safe. 🌬️🏥 💙Check out our webinar to learn more. #ProjectFirstline #InfectionControlSpanish
Mantener una ventilación adecuada de la clínica puede ayudar a detener la propagación de gérmenes y mantener a las familias seguras. 🌬️🏥 💙Vea nuestro seminario web para obtener más información.8. Pair the "Levels of Infection Control Measures" social media graphic with the "What are the Levels of Infection Control?" video.
Learn the right actions to keep you safe from infections. 🦠💪 🏥#ProjectFirstline #InfectionControlSpanish
Aprenda las acciones correctas para mantenerse a salvo de infecciones. 🦠💪🏥#ProjectFirstline #InfectionControl9. Pair the "How Can You Protect Yourself When Caring for a Patient Who May Have a Contagious Disease?" social media graphic with the "How Do I Protect Against Diseases?" video.
🏥 🔍 Unlock important infection control information to keep yourself safe by exploring AAP's Project Firstline resources! #ProjectFirstline #InfectionControlSpanish
Obtenga información importante sobre el control de infecciones para mantenerse seguro explorando los recursos del Proyecto Firstline de la AAP. #ProjectFirstline #InfectionControl
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics