Pediatricians and providers often need quick, simple ways to discuss digital media with families. To help, we developed The 5 Cs of Media Use.
The 5 Cs is a mnemonic that can be used to talk to parents about kids and screens. They are: Child, Content, Calm, Crowding Out, and Communication. Along with this approach, we’ve created a series of five age-based handouts to give to parents at well-child visits.
Based on current research and evidence, the handouts start by informing parents about their children’s developmental stages, how this influences media use, and healthy media habits to strive for at home. This tool includes clear ties to family relational health, early childhood social-emotional development, and teen mental health.
It is not necessary for providers to recite all of the 5 Cs at every visit – the goal is to give media guidance in a smarter and memorable way that connects to what you are already talking about with families. For example:
- CHILD: When you are talking about a toddler’s tantrums, a child’s ADHD, or a teen’s anxiety, you can bring in conversation about how media impacts those unique ways the child experiences the world. Do they seek out age-inappropriate thrills on YouTube, or does media help support a special artistic or musical gift they have? Is social media drama feeding their social anxiety, or do they have a supportive friend group online?
- CONTENT: Research shows that content quality shapes whether kids have positive or negative relationships with media. Ask parents and kids what they play or watch. Help them think about which videos and games they use that have too much violence, rude role-modeling, unrealistic beauty standards, or commercialism – although these things “trend” on social media, they can influence kids’ emotions and behavior. To find good replacement videos and games, Common Sense Media is a great resource.
- CALM: When talking about how kids manage strong emotions or fall asleep at night, ask about media. If it seems that media is their only coping strategy, offer other ways to calm brains and bodies down.
- CROWDING OUT: Instead of asking how many hours of media kids use, ask whether it’s crowding out other things the family cares about. Families may be more motivated to reduce their media use if they think about what they want to get “back” – such as family quality time, more sleep, or time outdoors. Help them recognize that digital media has lots of “hooks” that keep us online longer than we planned, so it helps to be intentional about when and where media is used every day.
- COMMUNICATION: At a minimum, we want families to talk about digital media on a regular basis. This is one way kids build digital literacy, and it helps caregivers identify when their child or teen is struggling. Families find this a stressful topic, so encourage them to take a deep breath, try to be open-minded, and ask questions. This helps reduce guilt and increase families’ problem-solving mindsets. Rather than structuring one perfect talk about media, encourage parents to discuss this topic early and often.
The 5 Cs are designed to meet kids, teens, and parents where they are, build insight and communication skills, and motivate for healthy behavior change. In addition to the handout, consider putting the Center of Excellence website, the AAP Family Media Plan, and Common Sense Media links in the after-visit summary so that families can have these resources over time.
The 5 Cs were inspired and built upon the work of journalist & author of books about media and children, Lisa Guernsey. The Three Cs were first described in the book Into the Minds of Babes (2007) and then Screen Time (2012) and Tap, Click, Read: Growing Readers in a World of Screens (2015). 
Funding for the Center of Excellence was made possible by Grant No. SM087180 from SAMHSA of the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement by, SAMHSA/HHS or the US Government.
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics