Collaborate with the state mental health agency and other key state agencies (eg, public health, Early Intervention programs, Head Start, the state department of public instruction, the state department of social services, the state department of health and human services, the juvenile justice system) to fund and conduct statewide and community-based studies that examine the availability and accessibility to mental health professionals (eg, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, developmental specialists, adolescent specialists) who serve children and their families; crisis services for children and adolescents; provider shortage areas; and the implications of the findings for the primary care system.
Note that school-based and school-employed personnel (eg, social workers, psychologists, guidance counselors) are key de facto sources of mental health services in most regions of the country. As such, they are important elements in the service environment.
​Re​sources/Tools​​: ​
Community Mental Health Resource Directory Guidance & Template
​Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Evidence-Based Practices Resource Center