The Flight Attendant Medical Research Institute (FAMRI) sponsors scientific and medical research for the early detection, prevention, treatment and cure of diseases and medical conditions caused from exposure to tobacco smoke and to ensure that health care providers ask the right questions of their patients about secondhand tobacco smoke exposure.
A FAMRI Center of Excellence grant founded the Julius B. Richmond Center at the American Academy of Pediatrics in 2006. The Academy is grateful to FAMRI for its continued support for research to protect children and families from exposure to tobacco and secondhand smoke. 
Impact on the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) 
Dr. Richmond was the founding chair of the AAP Section on Community Pediatrics. He was also chair of the AAP Section on Child Development, the AAP Committee on Scientific Meetings, and was on the editorial board of Pediatrics. Dr. Richmond was a charter member of the Tomorrow's Children Endowment and also received the Academy's Excellence in Public Service Award in 1990. 
The Academy, together with FAMRI, named the AAP Julius B. Richmond Center of Excellence in honor of Dr. Richmond in 2006. The center is dedicated to eliminating children's exposure to tobacco and secondhand smoke and honors Dr. Richmond's commitment to health promotion and disease prevention.
Mission Statement 
Our mission is to improve child health by eliminating children's exposure to tobacco and secondhand smoke. This will be accomplished by changing the clinical practice of pediatrics through the development and dissemination of practice tools; research; and improvement of community health. The Center will work to create a healthy environment for children, adolescents and families through public education and the promotion of public health policies to eliminate tobacco. 
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American Academy of Pediatrics