The Bright Futures Family Pocket Guide: Raising Healthy Infants, Children, and Adolescents, 3rd Edition, was written by families for families. Family Voices and the American Academy of Pediatrics Bright Futures National Center co-created the guide to help families and providers work together to promote the health and wellness of children. The importance of families as equal partners in promoting the health of children is central to Bright Futures.
The Family Pocket Guide is a quick reference for families that highlights:
- Timely, up-to-date information that is culturally responsive.
- Support for the roles you play every day in the health and well-being of your child.
- Information about the importance of well-child visits for all children, including children and youth with special health care needs and their families.
- Encouragement to speak up, be listened to, and take an active role in your child's care as an equal partner and expert.
- Ideas and strategies about ways to form partnerships with others (eg, families, professionals, community service providers) to improve policies, care, services, and support for all children and families.
- An overall framework for children's health and insight into the many people who contribute to it.
- Relevant information about child development and building resilience—the ability to bounce back and withstand challenges.
View the Pocket Guide Online
View the English version of the Family Pocket Guide online.
Haga clic aquí para ver la versión en español de la Guía Portátil para las Familias a través de la web.
Download the Pocket Guide (as a PDF)
Click here to download the English version of the Family Pocket Guide (34.3 MB).
Haga clic aquí para bajar la versión en español de la Guía Portátil para las Familias (34.2 MB).
Tip Sheet For Health care Professionals & Providers
This tip sheet​ is designed to provide ideas about how pediatric health care professionals, community health workers, home visitors, early intervention programs, teachers, and others who work with children and families can introduce the Bright Futures Family Pocket Guide, 3rd Edition, to families.
Hoja de Consejos prácticos para Proveedores
Esta hoja​ está diseñada para proporcionar sugerencias sobre cómo los profesionales de la salud pediátrica, los trabajadores de salud de la comunidad, los visitantes a domicilio, los programas de intervención temprana, los profesores y otras personas que trabajan con niños y familias puedan presentar Bright Futures, Guía Portátil para las Familias, 3ra edición.​
Additional Resources for Families
- Promoting Mental Health English | Spanish
- Promoting Family-Provider Partnership English | Spanish
- Short overview video (2 min)
​The Bright Futures Family Pocket Guide: Raising Healthy Infants, Children, and Adolescents, 3rd Edition, is the result of a collaborative effort between Family Voices and the American Academy of Pediatrics Bright Futures National Center. It is a revision of the Family Voices publication: Bright Futures Family Pocket Guide: Raising Healthy Infants, Children, and Adolescents, 2nd Edition. The edition has been updated to reflect content from Bright Futures: Guidelines for Health Supervision of Infants, Children, and Adolescents, 4th Edition.
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics