This page features recordings, PowerPoint presentations, and audience questions from current and previous webinars developed by the National Resource Center for Patient/Family-Centered Medical Home and the former National Center for Medical Home Implementation.
The National Resource Center for Patient/Family-Centered Medical Home (NRC-PFCMH) hosted a 3-part virtual discussion panel series highlighting ways in which patient/family-centered medical home and school-based health care can partner and collaborate for provision of care for children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN).
The first discussion panel in this series focused on policy and the impact of the Medicaid Unwinding featuring Nathaniel Beers, MD, MPA, FAAP, Robert Keder, MD, FAAP, and Dan Walter, MPA.
The second discussion panel on school health and medical home featured family partners Maria Miller and Ida Winters, along with Datta Munshi, MD, FAAP, and Anna Volerman, MD, FAAP.
The final discussion panel in this series highlighted recommendations within systems of care to better support school-based health care and medical home featuring Monique Soileau-Burke, MD, FAAP, Gail Gettens, MS, ECMP, and Vickie Ives, MA.
- Discussion Panel 1: Policy
- Discussion Panel 2: School Health and Medical Home: Practice Level
- Discussion Panel 3: Systems of Care
The National Resource Center for Patient/Family-Centered Medical Home (NRC-PFCMH) hosted a FREE 2-part webinar series examining the behavioral and mental health systems of care for children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) and the role of medical home within that system.
Episode 1 featured the Nebraska Partnership for Mental Healthcare Access in Pediatrics and the University of Michigan Child Collaborative Consultation Program. Participants learned how these 2 programs have addressed access to behavioral and mental health care for CYSHCN, in addition to the key partners and collaborators that support their respective programmatic efforts.
Episode 2 featured pediatricians Marian Earls, MD, MTS, FAAP and Richard Antonelli, MD, MS, FAAP. Drs Earls and Antonelli discussed how pediatricians and the medical home can support behavioral and mental health care for CYSHCN.
Both 60-minute episodes provided an opportunity for Q&A and highlighted family experiences in navigating the system and partnering with their child’s pediatrician to support their behavioral and mental health care needs.
- Episode 1
- Episode 2
- Q&A Document
- Resources List
The National Resource Center for Patient/Family-Centered Medical Home (NRC-PFCMH), in partnership with the National Center for Care Coordination Technical Assistance (NCCCTA) and Family Voices of Wisconsin and Wisconsin Title V, hosted a FREE webinar on the role of care coordination in supporting equitable care for children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) and their families. This 60-minute webinar featured faculty from Family Voices of Wisconsin and Title V who shared practice strategies used to build a sustainable care coordination system for CYSHCN and their families in their state. Faculty from the NCCCTA highlighted care coordination tools and resources for implementation at the clinical, community, and systems levels. Participants had the opportunity to ask faculty questions during the Q&A.
The National Resource Center for Patient/Family-Centered Medical Home (NRC-PFCMH), in partnership with Bright Futures National Center and the Screening Technical Assistance and Resource (STAR) Center, implemented an educational webinar series, Making Connections: The Critical Role of Family-Centered Care in Addressing Social Determinants of Health​ for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN).
The goal of this 2-part webinar ​series was to pr​ovide state Title V Maternal and Child Health (MCH) / CYSHCN programs, pediatricians, families, and others with information about the impact of social determinants of health on CYSHCN and their families, including implementation strategies for state programs. The series discussed the role of these groups and state systems in addressing SDOH for CYSHCN by using components of the medical home model.
The first webinar in this series will provided relevant​ background information about how CYSHCN are impacted by SDOH, including a review of current data. The second webinar featured 2 state Ti​tle V MCH / CYSHCN programs who will discuss how their states are addressing SDOH for CYSHCN.
- Episode 1
- Episode 2
- Resources List
​Receiving care within a well-functioning system is essential for all children and youth, especially those with special health care needs. Primary care pediatricians, state Title V Maternal and Child Health (MCH) / Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs (CYSHCN) programs, and families all play an important role in strengthening this system.
Developed by the National Resource Center for Patient/Family-Centered Medical Home, in partnership with the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs, Family Voices, Bright Futures National Center, Healthy Tomorrows Partnership for Children Program, American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Council on Children with Disabilities, AAP Council on Community Pediatrics, faculty in this 3-part podcast series discusses real-life examples, strategies, and opportunities to develop partnership between Title V MCH / CYSHCN programs, primary care pediatricians, and families. Faculty provide an overview of the history and current functions of state Title V MCH / CYSHCN programs as well as benefits of multi-disciplinary partnerships.
Tools, strategies, and links to partner websites discussed throughout each episode are compiled in the handout below.
- Episode 1: History and Function of the MCH Title V Block Grant
- Episode 2: Opportunities for Partnership Between Pediatricians and State Title V MCH / CYSHCN Programs: Pediatrician Perspective
- Episode 3: Opportunities for Partnership Between Pediatricians and State Title V MCH / CYSHCN Programs: State Perspective
- Podcast Series Evaluation Survey
- Suggested Resources Handout
Developed by the National Center for Care Coordination Technical Assistance and the National Resource Center for Patient/Family-Centered Medical Home, this pre-recorded, audio only podcast includes a conversation with leaders from Arizona regarding multidisciplinary care coordination training for children with medical complexity (CMC).
Faculty during the session discuss practical, replicable strategies for implementing care coordination training. This podcast can support pediatricians, state Maternal and Child Health Title V programs, families, and other stakeholders interested in enhancing the medical home model of care. View the Arizona Experience Promising Practice for more information.
​Developed by the former National Center for Medical Home Implementation, this pre-recorded, audio only, two-episode e-Learning series provides participants information on innovative and promising practices in family-centered medical home implementation and advancement.
Throughout the e-Learning series, faculty discuss tools and strategies to implement and advance the family-centered medical home, including tips to develop partnerships at the clinic, community, and systems levels. Measurement tools and sustainability strategies are discussed and resouces suggested througout each episode are compiled in the handout below.
- Episode 1: Tools and Strategies to Create a High-Functioning Pediatric Medical Home
- Episode 2: Tools and Strategies to Advance the Pediatric Medical Home by Developing Partnerships at the Clinic, Community, and Systems Levels
- e-Learning Series Evaluation Survey
- Suggested Resources Handout
Innovative and Promising Practices in Pediatric Medical Home Implementation Summary Report
This summary report is a companion piece to the 2018 e-Learning series, Where the Rubber Meets the Road—Conversations about Innovative and Promising Practices in Pediatric Medical Home Implementation, and features 14 of 21 Innovative and Promising Practices from the NCMHI Innovative and Promising Practices in Pediatric Medical Home Implementation online database.This summary report is for pediatric clinicians, Maternal and Child Health Title V / Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs programs, family/caregivers, and other pediatric health stakeholders interested in innovative and replicable strategies in pediatric medical home. Tools and resources from the National Center and partner organizations are also listed to support implementation efforts.
​Presented by the National Center for Medical Home Implementation and the National Center for Care Coordination Technical Assistance, this 2-part webinar series will present real-world experiences from diverse health care providers with the common goal of capturing the value of care coordination using the Care Coordination Measurement Tool (CCMT)**.
Webinar faculty will describe their objectives for measuring care coordination, experiences in implementing the tool, and the implications of capturing the value of care coordination.
- Part One
- Part Two
- Audience Questions from Part One and Part Two
**An updated version of the CCMT and accompanying adaptation guide has just been released in 2017 and is available for free in the public domain.
​Presented by the National Center for Medical Home Implementation (NCMHI) and the Association of Maternal and Child Health Programs, this recorded webinar provides Maternal and Child Health Title V / Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs programs, family leaders, pediatric clinicians, and others with tools and resources to plan a quality improvement project to engage families and enhance family-centeredness in pediatric health care.
Faculty discuss a family engagement quality improvement project conducted by the NCMHI, discuss challenges and successes of this type of project, and provide practical implementation tools and strategies for organizations interested in replicating these efforts.
​Presented by the National Center for Medical Home Implementation, the National Academy for State Health Policy, and the Catalyst Center, this recorded webinar provides strategies and promising practices to enhance collaboration on pediatric medical home initiatives between Title V children and youth with special health care needs (CYSHCN) programs and Medicaid agencies.
Participants learn about collaborative efforts in states, identify replicable strategies to facilitate partnership, and discuss the impact of Title V CYSHCN and Medicaid collaboration on children, youth, and families. Title V program staff, Medicaid agency staff, pediatric clinicians, and family advocates are encouraged to watch this webinar.
- View PowerPoint Slides
- View Webinar Recording
- Audience Questions
- State Title V and Medicaid Collaboration to Support Pediatric Medical Home Implementation Fact Sheet
Last Updated
American Academy of Pediatrics