Social media can create unique opportunities that empower both pediatricians and patients/families. 
In this current digital world, social media can be a powerful resource for pediatricians. From connecting with current and future patients and families, to hiring for an open position, social media outlets can provide value to both the practice and patients/families.  
All social media networks are not created equal, which can make the process of selecting the right platforms seem overwhelming. With the variety of outlets such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn, it is best to fully understand the needs of patients/families, as well as the practice’s objectives. Steps for strategically selecting the best social media platform for the practice include: 
Step 1: Determine Goals and Objectives
Begin with the patients/families in mind and define the following questions:
- What is the worth of having social media for the practice? 
- Is the goal to acquire new patients/families, or give existing patients/families more access to the practice? 
- Does the objective align with the practice’s mission and vision? 
Step 2: Consider Return on Investment (ROI)
Once the goals and objectives have been determined, consider the return on investment (ROI) that social media marketing can bring to the practice. Items to consider include: 
- Time and/or cost needed to implement and maintain.
- Cost to have platform professionally designed.  
Step 3: Track Goals 
Tracking the goals can be as simple as monitoring the number of site visits, followers and downloads that are generally calculated on social media platform metrics.  
Another easy method of tracking would be to ask each patient/family who calls or is present in the office how they heard about the practice.  
Resource: Ethical Considerations in Pediatricians’ Use of Social Media, (Pediatrics, March 2021)