Through the TEAMS Program, the AAP provides training, resources and technical assistance to school districts and states interested in strengthening their policies, practices and infrastructure related to school-based health services and supports.

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Teams Overview

The AAP’s Enhancing School Health Services through Training, Education, Assistance, Mentorship, and Support Program (TEAMS) provides training, resources and technical assistance to school districts and states that are interested in strengthening policies, practices and infrastructure related to school health services. TEAMS emphasizes the use of school health services policy and protocol to drive long-term sustainable change.

TEAMS grew out of the recognition that:

  • Strengthening school health services improves the health of students and leads to better educational outcomes.
  • Schools provide a key point of access for health care for many children.
  • Children benefit from a coordinated system – a system where school health services, public health departments and healthcare providers all work together to optimize care.

School districts and states participating in TEAMS assemble 3-4 member teams, including a district health services/education representative, public health professional (department of health), mental health professional and pediatrician partner. As part of the program, teams are guided through the steps in the TEAMS framework, which is discussed more in-detail below.

TEAMS Framework

There are several ways to participate in TEAMS. The AAP facilitates the TEAMS Program directly to school districts and states with periodic calls for applications for new cohorts. The TEAMS Program has also grown into a training of trainer program for states. Individuals can also start in the program by accessing the TEAMS course found below. The TEAMS webpage also links to a variety of resources including the Health services Assessment Tool for Schools, or HATS, for both school districts and states.


Health Services Assessment Tool for Schools (HATS)

HATS is designed to help school districts and states assess the quality and comprehensiveness of school health services, the level of infrastructure to support those services and the strength and implementation of school health services policies and protocols.

Begin HATS

TEAMS Online Course

This online course presents the content provided to TEAMS participants in a self-paced, self-directed learning opportunity so that anyone can use the TEAMS framework and resources to make improvements to their own district's health services.

TEAMS Course


Tools and Resources


If you have questions on the TEAMS Program or HATS, please contact us

Access the TEAMS Trainer Portal collaboration site here


This webpage was supported by Cooperative Agreement Number NU38OT000282-04-00, funded by the Healthy Schools Branch - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the American Academy of Pediatrics and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention of the Department of Health and Human Services.

Last Updated



American Academy of Pediatrics